We will assist you by electronically filing your trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.Receive Professional Preparation of your federal trademark application. Your producer will collect the required application details from you directly. Our eagle-eyed Administration will complete the application and your producer will review the application for accuracy, completeness, and common mistakes. This service includes required preparation fees which start at $515.Digitalization and Formatting of your trademark specimens and assets for electronic filing and storage.  You may provide photographs, digital copies, and files of your trademark specimens.  We will receive, format, and upload your specimens as part of your trademark application.Accurate Federal E-Filing of your federal trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office with zero paperwork required from you.  This service includes the required filing fee of $275 per class of goods or services.Prioritized Processing of your federal trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office within 24 business hours (this translates to approximately three business days). Normal processing time can take anywhere between 5 to 20 business days.  Prioritized Processing has a $49 value.Receive an Electronic Delivery of your completed trademark application for your protection.Receive a customizable Cease and Desist Letter perfectly suited for protecting your trademark from unauthorized use or infringement. This is not a court order, but this customizable letter will provide notice to the offending or infringing party and can provide ample opportunity for them to cease and desist using the infringing mark in order to prevent further legal action, such as your filing a lawsuit. If the infringer continues to use the mark despite confirming receipt of the cease and desist letter, you may be able to recover additional damages should you decide to file a lawsuit.  A customized Cease and Desist Letter has a value of $150.Receive a customizable Transfer and Assignment Letter perfectly suited for facilitating the sale of your mark. This letter can be further customized according to your needs. To “remain valid,” an entity must continue to use the mark in commerce and you must register your sale or assignment with the USPTO.  A Transfer and Assignment Letter has a value of $150.Enjoy 18 Months of Trademark Monitoring to protect your mark from infringement. We’ll notify you immediately in the event that any new USPTO trademark applications are filed that infringe on your mark. In such an event, you’ll be able to take immediate action and possibly prevent the infringing application from moving forward.  Monitoring has a value of $300.Receive a Physical Trademark Certified Copy for your records.  Perfect for framing your trademark or keeping on file for physical records.  A physical certified copy of your trademark has a $60 value.
This service is designed to make filing your Trademark simple, convenient, and stress-free. Our administrative and production team will handle the entire process on your behalf. We know you have options, and if you’re looking for a DIY alternative, we are happy to recommend www.TrademarkEngine.com. However, we understand that for many busy professionals, this process requires an enormous amount of sustained effort and attention to detail, and we are pleased to provide this service as a convenience. Remember, we will work as your executive assistant/agent in this effort; we may not legally represent you as an attorney or lawyer.
Value Breakdown: