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  • Technical Article

    Time is money… and we understand that business owners, researchers, academics, and students often struggle with not enough time to create comprehensive and clear research reports, proposals, white papers, guides, training materials or user manuals, our “Knockout Combination” technical writers can create copy that accurately conveys your ideas, transform often confusing content into jargon-free, easily digestible copy.
    Our technical writing experts have a knack for distilling complex ideas into a concise, clear, comprehensive and jargon-free copy that your prospective readers - including customers and investors - will easily understand. This Technical Article service does not include research and relies on comprehensive source materials, including references. Once you provide source materials, our Technical Writers will deliver a well-written technical copy up to 1,000 words within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions with copy editing to ensure content that meets or exceeds your expectations.
    • 1,000 word limit
    • ‣ Includes Writing and Copy Editing
    • Up to three drafts

    Only $200.00

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    Time is money… and we understand that business owners, researchers, academics, and students often struggle with not enough time to create comprehensive and clear research reports, proposals, white papers, guides, training materials or user manuals, our “Knockout Combination” technical writers can create copy that accurately conveys your ideas, transform often confusing content into jargon-free, easily digestible copy.
    Our technical writing experts have a knack for distilling complex ideas into a concise, clear, comprehensive and jargon-free copy that your prospective readers – including customers and investors – will easily understand. This Technical Article service does not include research and relies on comprehensive source materials, including references. Once you provide source materials, our Technical Writers will deliver a well-written technical copy up to 1,000 words within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions with copy editing to ensure content that meets or exceeds your expectations.
    • 1,000 word limit
    • ‣ Includes Writing and Copy Editing
    • Up to three drafts