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  • PR Press Kit Design

    A Press Kit, also known as a media kit, is a way to help the news media build awareness of your brand and share information about special events, product releases, changes within the organization, and other announcements. A Press Kit is a page on your website that makes it easy for reporters to gather all the information they need about your brand including photos, marketing materials, contact information, and more. Utilizing the press as a marketing tool can help you expand your reach; making it easy for reporters will encourage them to share news about your brand. By providing a Press Kit, you’re saying, “Hey, we love the press; here’s everything you need to put your story together as well as how to reach us.” In addition, a Press Kit on your site gives your brand added credibility; that you are a truly newsworthy organization, with an important mission, great products and services, and a certain status in the marketplace.
    Our Press Kit services include page design but not copywriting. The first design draft will be delivered within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions to ensure a design that meets or exceeds your expectations.  If you do not already have written copy, or need help developing the copy for the Press Kit, please click here to order Press Kit Copywriting. 
    We will design a page for each section of the Press Kit:
    1. A cover page (overview),
    2. Biography,
    3. Professional credentials,
    4. Information about featured product(s) or service(s),
    5. News coverage,
    6. Contact information. 
      When your Press Kit is complete, you will have an additional highly effective marketing tool at your disposal!
    • Design for up to 6 Pages
    • One week turnaround
    • Up to three drafts

    Only $399.00

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    A Press Kit, also known as a media kit, is a way to help the news media build awareness of your brand and share information about special events, product releases, changes within the organization, and other announcements. A Press Kit is a page on your website that makes it easy for reporters to gather all the information they need about your brand including photos, marketing materials, contact information, and more. Utilizing the press as a marketing tool can help you expand your reach; making it easy for reporters will encourage them to share news about your brand. By providing a Press Kit, you’re saying, “Hey, we love the press; here’s everything you need to put your story together as well as how to reach us.” In addition, a Press Kit on your site gives your brand added credibility; that you are a truly newsworthy organization, with an important mission, great products and services, and a certain status in the marketplace.
    Our Press Kit services include page design but not copywriting. The first design draft will be delivered within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions to ensure a design that meets or exceeds your expectations.  If you do not already have written copy, or need help developing the copy for the Press Kit, please click here to order Press Kit Copywriting. 
    We will design a page for each section of the Press Kit:
    1. A cover page (overview),
    2. Biography,
    3. Professional credentials,
    4. Information about featured product(s) or service(s),
    5. News coverage,
    6. Contact information. 
      When your Press Kit is complete, you will have an additional highly effective marketing tool at your disposal!
    • Design for up to 6 Pages
    • One week turnaround
    • Up to three drafts