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  • PR One Sheet Copy

    Capture your audience’s attention and give them immediate value with a one-sheet: a single-page document that showcases a specific product or service with the goal of promotion to a target audience. A one-sheet summarizes the key elements of one particular offering (not your entire business) in a clear and concise way to help customers make informed decisions. This snapshot of one product or service is used as a promotional tool with new and current clients, referrers, as well as potential partners and investors.
    Our One-Sheet Copywriting service creates up to 1,000 words of high quality and informative content that will spark interest, educate customers, and lead to more sales. The first draft will be delivered within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions to ensure content that meets or exceeds your expectations.
    • ‣ Up to 1,000 words
    • ‣ One week turnaround
    • ‣ Up to three drafts

    Only $100.00

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    Capture your audience’s attention and give them immediate value with a one-sheet: a single-page document that showcases a specific product or service with the goal of promotion to a target audience. A one-sheet summarizes the key elements of one particular offering (not your entire business) in a clear and concise way to help customers make informed decisions. This snapshot of one product or service is used as a promotional tool with new and current clients, referrers, as well as potential partners and investors.
    Our One-Sheet Copywriting service creates up to 1,000 words of high quality and informative content that will spark interest, educate customers, and lead to more sales. The first draft will be delivered within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions to ensure content that meets or exceeds your expectations.
    • ‣ Up to 1,000 words
    • ‣ One week turnaround
    • ‣ Up to three drafts