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  • Flyer Design

    An eye-catching flyer, shared in the right place, can grab potential prospects’ attention. Everyone is bombarded with advertisements every day in various media, however flyers are important because they can leave “with” a potential Client, like a personal touch from your business. The greatest advantage of a flyer is that it can be used on your website as well as a takeaway during tradeshows and events: a double whammy!
    This service includes one Flyer Design and does not include writing marketing copy. The first design draft will be delivered within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions to ensure a design that meets or exceeds your expectations. If copywriting is required, please click here to order our Flyer Copywriting service here.
    • Design only
    • One week turnaround
    • Up to three drafts

    Only $135.00

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    An eye-catching flyer, shared in the right place, can grab potential prospects’ attention. Everyone is bombarded with advertisements every day in various media, however flyers are important because they can leave “with” a potential Client, like a personal touch from your business. The greatest advantage of a flyer is that it can be used on your website as well as a takeaway during tradeshows and events: a double whammy!
    This service includes one Flyer Design and does not include writing marketing copy. The first design draft will be delivered within one week. This service allows for up to two revisions to ensure a design that meets or exceeds your expectations. If copywriting is required, please click here to order our Flyer Copywriting service here.
    • Design only
    • One week turnaround
    • Up to three drafts