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  • Book Marketing Bundle III

    Self-publishing makes becoming an author accessible to anyone who wants to share their story, become an authority in their field, or help people with a problem. However, self-publishing comes with a significant challenge: getting your book in the hands of readers. 
    Traditional publishing houses take care of marketing and distribution to online and offline booksellers, but a self-published author is often competing with authors whose books are catching the attention of the audience through marketing efforts. This means a self-published author has to also become a book marketing expert in order to build awareness and generate sales. Since many authors don’t have the time or the expertise to market their books, this can quickly take the enthusiasm out of finishing a book. It also diminishes the chances of the book making any real impact.
    This service offers a marketing bundle for a completed and published book. This comprehensive marketing strategy includes services offered in partnership with several branches of Brand Desk:
    • ‣ Press Stories x 3 with Web & Nationwide News
    • ‣ Write Move:  60 Social Media Content Posts
    • ‣ Media Roll:  Three 60 Second Book Promo Video
    • ‣ Vlix Video Marketing:  Worldwide 3,000 Views

    Only $2,010.00

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    Self-publishing makes becoming an author accessible to anyone who wants to share their story, become an authority in their field, or help people with a problem. However, self-publishing comes with a significant challenge: getting your book in the hands of readers. 
    Traditional publishing houses take care of marketing and distribution to online and offline booksellers, but a self-published author is often competing with authors whose books are catching the attention of the audience through marketing efforts. This means a self-published author has to also become a book marketing expert in order to build awareness and generate sales. Since many authors don’t have the time or the expertise to market their books, this can quickly take the enthusiasm out of finishing a book. It also diminishes the chances of the book making any real impact.
    This service offers a marketing bundle for a completed and published book. This comprehensive marketing strategy includes services offered in partnership with several branches of Brand Desk:
    • ‣ Press Stories x 3 with Web & Nationwide News
    • ‣ Write Move:  60 Social Media Content Posts
    • ‣ Media Roll:  Three 60 Second Book Promo Video
    • ‣ Vlix Video Marketing:  Worldwide 3,000 Views